Beating dry skin is just not about loading on heavy moisturizers to cover the ashy dry look or feel of the skin. Alleviating dry skin is imperative too healthy skin maintenance, it allows the skin to breath and function better, retaining its own moisture as well absorbing and attracting natural occurring moisturize in the air. The first step needs to be a form of exfoliation or shedding of the dry(and dead)skin. My most preferred method of this is would be dry brush exfoliation(you can buy this at your local pharmacy or health food store) Using upward movements gently brush your skin from head to toe. This will not only remove any built up skin but also stimulate the movement of your lymph, circulation and ama(a thin layer of toxins that gather on the surface of your muscles). Following this you can apply a medium that will hydrate and moisturize the skin. I suggest using coconut, sesame or jojoba oils, these are consider to be "bio available" this means your skin will easily absorb them drawing them into all 7 layers of the skin for a true deep nourishing level of hydration and moisturizing. Now if you want to make something like this part of your daily regime do these two steps BEFORE you get in the shower. The idea behind this is that the pores of the skin respond to the warmth created my steam and water, they open up more and the oil is penetrated into the skin...yes it does sound divine!
You can use this as a daily treatment to keep the skin moisturized, radiant, firm and healthy or just in the colder months when you may experience higher levels of dry skin.