Thursday, July 19, 2012


Hello Dear Ones...yes I have been away for a bit, busy summer schedule has kept me tied up but here I am again back to serve you another dose of wisdom from your very own skincare guru :) So much of what I offer here in this blog is based on conversations with folks as well as what is current and on trend so I am not surprised that many people have been asking about leading a GLUTEN FREE lifestyle and how that may effect what they are using in terms of skincare and's the scoop:
First it is important to highlight that your skin is a protective barrier to your organs inside your body and most often considered to be the first line of defense. If you were to ever test your skin you would see that the results for vitamin, nutrient and anti-oxidant contents are very low, why, because our skin is the last organ to receive anything we ingest internally and this is why it is so important to "feed" it externally. Now, how does this translate to what you put on your skin verses the effect it has on your insides...the exact same way. You have 7 very thick layers to your skin, what ever you are applying topically is being absorbed by these layers and utilized to treat the skin cells and tissues...that point being made you would have to be absorbing a significant amount of gluten topically to effect you internally. Yes, all ingredients we apply to the skin gets into our bloodstream and cycled through our body but the point is the amount of gluten that would have to be applied would have to be substantial.
Now as I have to make a disclaimer if you have a extreme high intolerance to gluten and would like to ride on the side of caution you can do a small patch test with the product in question along your jawline, if you do not react in 24 hours you should be fine. I do want to stress that it is important to be familiar with your level of sensitivity and be aware of what may trigger you most. Moderate to extreme cases of gluten allergies can be set off by the tinniest trigger, so although I am providing you with the info above please be aware of what works for you.

BTW...if you are looking for totally Gluten free make up options I do adore Mineral Fusions

Any good local esthetican can advise you on ingredient technolgy in terms of skin care.