Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Besides knowing its important to take good care of your skin its also important to understand key ingredients to treat certain concerns(support your local esthetician!). Anti aging its super hot topic right now, has been and will always be, SO lets chat about three major player ingredients that are being talked about right now.
The first two ingredients are know as ANTI-OXIDANTS, an anti-oxidant helps fight free radical damage(extra negative ions floating around the skin cells causing them to become unstable break apart and die, free radicals are caused by sun exposure, environmental pollution and unhealthy life style habits like smoking) free radical damage can lead to signs of aging like fine lines, wrinkles and sagging skin, the anti-oxidants protect the skin. Anti-oxidant are naturally found in fruits like grapes, pomegranates and give thanks RED WINE!!!!
---Vitamin C, the only type of Vit C that can be absorbed my the skin is L-ASCORBIC ACID, if you are in the market for a Vit C based product look for this as the key active ingredient. Vit C is great at brightening the skin and helping to fade any dark spots caused by sun damage, or acne scarring. Using a serum of Vit C in conjunction with a gentle chemical exfoliant is a great place to start to treat hyper-pigmentation. Vit C also helps to stimulate collagen to minimize wrinkles.
---Resveratrol, another potent anti-oxidant found in the skin of grapes, peanuts and berries, it too can also brighten the skin as well as acts as an anti-inflammatory, keeping the internal structure of the skin calmed and soothed.
The final ingredient I would like to share are the all mighty peptides. Peptides are long complex amino acid chains that strengthen and maintain the firmness and elasticity of the skin. Visualize that your collagen and elastin fibers(which gives your skin the firmness and helps to keep it from sagging) are braided together, over time this braid will loosen due to many factors such as sun exposure and pollution. Peptides come to the rescue like knights in shinning amor and tighten the braided give strength to the skin, lifting and firming it.

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